Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Geocaching and library

The weather early today was rather plesant so I took the opportunity to drop some books off at the library and revisit the Tavern of the Damned geocache.  It seems to have returned as a letterbox that was not present when I first visited Nov 22 with BB, Marie, and John.  At any case it was easily found notwithstanding the somewhat bogus clue that confused the building and chimney foundation.  At any event I logged it so now I'm up to 2.  I suppose everyone starts somewhere but 2 does seem like a very small number.

From Geocaching

While out I checked out the nearby Winterbrook geocache located on Wolbach Farm.  I'd not been aware of it even after 10 years in Sudbury.  Perhaps BB and I will try to find it tomorrow (weather permitting as it's forcast to be rainy).

BB and I watched a Netflix movie in the evening and read.  Dinner was left over Cornish Hen, smoked chicken, green peas, sweet potato, and cranberry relish.  Yum!

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