Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day's wrapup

BB was out this evening at an office X-Mas party so I was on my own. The roast chicken from last night was so good I decided to have it for dinner. Of course, the outstanding gravy had much to recommend it as well.

Spent the evening reading and watching TV. I'd recorded The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy but the editing on this version was so bad I turned it off and decided to read instead.

BB got home about 9 or so and promptly fell asleep on the couch. After the third time I finally convinced her to call it a night.

The pedometer reported that I walked 2.25 miles yesterday. On one hand it seems like a lot on the other it had no effect whatever on my weight which I'd like to get under 200 lbs.

BB will be home tomorrow but has a doctor's appointment in the afternoon. I'm not sure what the day will be like but it promisses to be colder.

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