Saturday, January 23, 2010

S'Cool Geocache

BB was out to here hair dresser today so I decided to go for a bit of a walk and try to find the S'Cool cache.

I checked out the distance from both the high school and the adjacent grade school.  It turns out that the grade school is actually closer to GZ than the high school.

There was good winter parking.

The hike across the ball fields was a bit tiring as the ice/snow was tough to walk on.  I really wished for snow shoes or skis.  Once across the field there were more tracks on the trail and walking was a bit easier with less snow.  I followed the trail and cut through a stone wall. 

A bit further along the GZ directions suggested following the trail along a ridge with water and downed trees on both sides.  Unfortunately as the trail got within about 150' of GZ I came to a beaver dam and hutch.  Doubtless that was the cause of all the flooding and downed trees.  Water was flowing and I checked the ice.  It was not safe so I had to backtrack. 

After getting off the ridge I found a trail heading east with a bridge across the stream that feed the flooded area.  Once on the east side of the flooding I followed another trail along the flooded area that got within about 80' of GZ.

Some easy bushwacking through open forest lead me to GZ.  As luck would have it I caught a glimpse of the cache top so I didn't have to spend any time searching.  Fortunately I'd brought a small hand shovel after my experience with ice/snow yesterday.  I needed it to dig the container out as it was frozen in place.

I signed the log and did a bit of trading.

All in all it was a nice walk though I really should get some snowshoes for these kinds of trips.

Here are the photos.  No spoilers.  Click through to see bigger images.

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