Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bike ride Westford and Chelmsford

BB and I went for a bit of a bike ride on this bright warm fall day.  We did most of the Bruce Freedom Rail Trail.  I'd walked a bit of this earlier while geocaching and it is very nice with almost no grades since it's an old rail bed and wonderful scenery.  We only had about an hour to ride so we didn't have time to do the entire trail but did manage a bit over 8 miles.

No photos cuz while I remembered to bring my camera, I foolishly left it's memory card in my computer!  Not the dumbest thing I've ever done but frustrating as I was going to take some photos of the old canal lock and dam in Chelmsford.

To complete the confusion my GPS decided to loose itself along the way so I had to doctor the track to make the usual map.

Route and profile
I forgot to not last night's dinner, panko wasabi crusted telapia with coconut rice and flash fried spinach.  The recipe is for tuna, VERY GOOD, but will work with a variety of fishes.

Tonight is leftover chicken marsala.  We'll start with some our-devours since John and Marie are coming by for a drink before dinner to celebrate their winning second place in a national case study competition.  We'll have a bit of champagne.  I've got some nice oil cured olives and aged cheese that I need to use and I'll probably make a fish paste out a bit of the leftover telapia.

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