Thursday, October 30, 2008

Looking at boats in Boston

BB and I spent most of the day looking at boats.

We visited with Dough Wielhower at Eastern Yacht Sales (781.749.8600) to look at several Mainship models. The 34 was a very nice boat but not really suitable as a live aboard. We looked at another newer 400. This one was rather nicer than the one we saw in Maine but BB didn't feel that it was something she wanted to live on. We also looked at a 45 Express. While the aft cockpit was very nice, the saloon was not acceptable. I'd really wanted to see the 45 Sedan Trawler as it has a layout similar to the Bayliner 4788 but there was not one available. Likewise the 43 aft cabin. I'll get back to ???? to the the 45 Trawler.

After lunch we saw Jack Garvey (781.767.1500, c 781.953.0910) who has a 4788 at the Metropolitan Yacht Club in Braintree (39 Vinedale Rd).

This is a 1999 model with some nice customizations:

  • Saloon sole modified to provide central access to the engines. This makes a BIG difference in dealing with the mechanical systems.
  • L seat modified to a straight seat and table replaced. The look it gave the saloon was very living room like and comfortable. I'm a bit worried about the lack of a real table.
  • Extra small storage lockers on the cockpit. One of them appears to interfere with the saloon door and may be a bad idea but they do provide some additional space.
  • Railings around the fly bridge deck aft. Nice for kids but would interfere with a tender.
  • Several small additional lockers under the stairs and in a couple of other places.
  • Electric heads not vacuflush. He modified the heads to use fresh water. Reportedly these are more reliable.
  • Covers for several fixtures (electrical inlets) so they can not leak from pilot house door gutters.
  • Electrical service fixture in cockpit.
On the negative side:
  • No tender. This is a $10K problem.
  • Older electronics but one new Garmin.
  • All the systems would have to be tested as they have not been used while he's owned the boat.
We spent considerable time talking with Jack and he provided considerable insight about the boat. In particular he noted that it handles 4' to 6' well although "you'll get tossed around some." He also referred me to the Bayliner owner's group where there is considerable information about the boat. Another very useful Bayliner site is the Blake Davis site. I was also able to measure the air draft (looks like the top of the radar arch is 16'+) and the draft (looks like 46"). All in all the boat was well maintained and at $235 asking it is possible to have a conversation.

In looking at the owner's group I came across some interesting fuel numbers.

  • At 6.8 kts, 2.61 KMPG - 8 kts plus or minus is probably the hull speed
  • At 10 kts, 1 KMPG
  • At 15 kts, 0.68 KMPG
  • At 18 kts, 0.55 KMPG
  • At 20 kts, 0.55 KMPG

Fuel numbers from Blake Davis Site

1000 7.70 1.67 921
1200 8.70 3.20 543
1400 9.90 4.66 424
1600 11.00 6.57 303
1800 12.40 8.87 279
2000 13.70 13.70 280
2200 16.40 11.65 281
2400 19.20 13.64 281
2600 21.70 15.45 280
2800 24.30 17.73 274
3000 26.80 22.78 235

There was another set for the 4588 ( materially similar)

Clearly the 4788 is a thirsty beast at anything other than idle.

I got some information back from Cara O'Connor on two other 4788s. It wasn't very complete. In any event there is a 1995 asking $200 and a 1999 asking $275. The 95 is a bit tired but generally OK and has a dingy. The 99 just finished the loop and is very nice indeed with updated electronics, charts, etc.

In looking on the web there are a large number of other 4788s for sale with some attractive buys.

It's worth noting that lately that BB has expressed an interest in cruising for several years "following the sun." This argues for a larger more comfortable boat. It's worth a think.

Started a spreadsheet to price and compare boats. I'll also use it to keep track of ones we've liked.

Plan for the day

  • Boat day

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