Friday, October 17, 2008

Boats - It's not easy

I've continued to think about boats for BB and I. At some level I'm tempted to getting a very small boat (read inexpensive) to get some additional experience.

Of course, if I did there would be the whole power sail. If it's small then why not a Gemini. BB and I would enjoy that but it's probably not a good choice for the loop. Still it's a thought as we could have a good time sailing and generally messing about locally.

Plan B is to get a small power. But then there is the issue of where to go/how to cruise. Fuel is expensive so boating here and there would be expensive. Of course there are MANY small power boats available including express cruisers that would be suitable and shouldn't be costly. For just a bit more I could pick up an older small trawler suitable for weekending and building experience.

Spoke to Dataupia again and it looks positive. We'll see.

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