Monday, October 11, 2010

BB finally bought her bike! Yea!!

Well, BB finally bought a bike.  It had gotten to be something of a never ending quest but Saturday we stopped on the way to Woonsocket (dinner and jazz with MM) and BB found one she liked and bought it - at last.  I picked up a set of raised handle bars for the mountain bike I've been rebuilding.

Dinner with MM was nice and we stopped in at Changs for some jazz.  There was an 18 year old asian girl that had opened at the Newport festival with her band.  It was a good show.

We went riding for a bit Sunday.  I took my rode bike which I've got tuned again.  Later I installed the new handle bars on the mountain bike.  They provide a reasonably good position but the seat is a killer.  I'll look into a new seat and a sprung seat post.  I think I'll take the old straight bar and replace the dropped bars on my Peugeot road bike.

Today we went for a 5.8 mile trip today.  Here's the route and elevation/speed profile:

It is a fair little loop.  I rode the mountain bike I've been rebuilding.  NOT good.  The seat was pure torture. I'll need something better or a different bike.  Given my size it should be reasonably easy to find one on Craigs list.  We tried a bit of off road riding.  BB did not like it at all so it looks like roads and paved trails.

I did discover that I'm really out of shape.  So more biking is in the future.

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