Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Geocaching - Muggles, Muggles, Muggles, Snow, Snow, Snow

Well, we had snow last night but even so I decided to run some errands and do a bit of caching today.  After looking at I decided to go for some park and grabs over in Bedford after I stopped by the Sudbury Library.

First stop should have been easy. But after waiting for 30 minutes for a reasonably muggle free moment I gave up and went to my second attempt.

This one should have been easy as it was at the edge of a large parking lot with no real reason for people to be near GZ.  While I don't know why there was a truck and five, count them five, occupied cars parked around GZ.  I waited about 20 minutes then gave up and went to number three.

Now this really should have been easy as it was on the side of a strip mall.  Wouldn't you know, there was someone sitting in a car directly in front of GZ drinking coffee and reading a paper.  Now this is getting to be ridiculous and more than a bit disheartening.

Number four was just a few blocks further along in a small town park with no parking.  This should be easy ... NOT.  I walked over and found muggles walking back from shopping and, unbelievably, several people sitting on a bench!  Walked back to the car where Mr. Coffee is still happily sipping and reading.

So, OK, never mind the 8" or 9" of new wet snow, I'll just go to somewhere where I have to walk in.  My feet will get wet but at least there won't be any muggles.  There's a fifth cache nearby on an old rail bed so off I went.  Problem one, the business lot that provided parking and trail access plowed the trail in!  Never mind, I'm ready to get wet and cold so I just waded through snow/slush and got to the trail.  A bit of walking got me to GZ behind another business where the firm, an electrical contractor of some sort, was busy loading supplies into their trucks.  It seems today I can't buy a break.  So I walked back out knowing that there was another cache on this same abandoned rail line just a bit away.  Along the way I pass a nice UNPLOWED parking area that would also provide access to the cache behind the electrical contractor.  Not really a problem, I suppose, since GZ is muggled anyway.  Still, it seems typical of the day.

Drove to my 6th cache.  The parking area was at the end of a street and plowed in behind a 15' snow bank!  My feet are already wet and cold and it's about 0.25 miles to the cache.  This is just not my day.  Time to go home, have a cup of coffee and live to cache another day.

Score for the day: 0 for 6, cold/wet feet, and two plus hours of driving. Repeat to self - I enjoy geocaching, I enjoy geocaching, I enjoy geocaching, ... .

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