Thursday, April 18, 2013

Loranzo espresso machine - the beat goes on

Parts are now ordered and hopefully will arrive in the next two weeks.

We filter and soften the water in the house.  The service guy way by today and I spoke with him about additional filtering for the espresso machine.  He thought it was a good idea.  He also suggested putting a bit of bleach through the machine to remove the taste.

When I collected the machine I also got a 3 stage filter system.  It's in rough shape (the bracket is rather rusted) but serviceable   I'll clean it up and install it in the water feed line.  This will also allow me to introduce descaler into the system.  Here's what it looks like disassembled:
Three stages.  1 2 micron filter and 2 activated carbons are the plan.
Filter holders are gross and will need to be thoroughly cleaned.
The filters proper are trash.  I can buy replacements at Home Depot or over the net.  I'll probably install a 1 or 2 micron filter and 2 carbon filters.  The filter containers are gross inside and will need a through cleaning.

  • Should I drain the boiler?  Shoud I descale? - DEFERRED
  • Parts - OPEN
    • Karma is ordering 
      • Steam wand
      • Group head O ring
      • 2 shot basket
      • 2 shot spout
      • back flush basket
      • 3 way valve
  • Pressure gauge - Seems OK.
  • Pressurestat - Seems OK
  • Install filters


  • Steam wand - Looks like Espresso Parts has an after market wand at a reasonable price (>$40).  Karma will order.
  • Citric acid: I'm going to defer this for the moment.  
    • Amazon offers "Spicy World Citric Acid, 5-Pound"
    •  Are 1 or 2 tablespoons of citric acid per liter the correct concentration?
  • Portafilter - Espresso parts is a source or Dave may be able to help
    • Double basket
    • Double portafilter spout
    • Backflush disk
  • Group head gasket - Espresso Parts has part.  It is described as  RANCILIO GROUP HEAD PORTAFILTER GASKET - 74 X 57 X 8.2MM.  There is an aftermarket part as well described as "An economical alternative to the O.E.M. gasket. 73.5 x 57 x 8mm."
  • Three-way Lucifer - Parker Solenoid valve 110V 50/60Hz 9W Part number 491514P3 D400P3.
  • Filters
    • 8" filters ( 1 or 2 micron and 2 activated carbon )
    • valves to install filters as needed


  • Buy/acquire needed parts
  • Replace three way valve
  • Replace group head gasket
  • Replace steam wand
  • Flush machine to resolve taste
  • Install filter system
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