Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hack PowerShot With CHDK

Hack Your PowerShot With CHDK

One of the things I've been wanting to do for a while is to make videos of my geocaching and biking adventures. I don't want to make a big deal out of taking and creating videos so what I thought I'd try making a time lapse video.

Now there are a number of ways to do this but most involve some amount of equipment or software.  That's not an especially attractive option.

I've got an old Canon A530 that I've been happy with and is small enough to use while riding or walking.  Unfortunately, there is no time lapse feature built in.  Enter CHDK!  It provides a set of additional software that runs on the camera and provides a remarkable collection of advanced features normally only available on much more expensive cameras.

After a bit of research, fuss, and bother I've got it installed on one of the camera's memory cards and have tried it out.  It works, rather well actually.  It's now possible to take a series of photos evenly spaced over time automatically.

What remains is to turn these photos into a reasonable video.  I've experimented with a couple of free Microsoft programs on my laptop and they seem to work well enough.  So it seems I'm ready to actually try it.

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