Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Irene - Day 5, still no electricity

Well Ollie, this is a fine mess you've got us in!

Good news, Nstar now projects we'll have power by 10 PM Friday.  Bad news, 10 PM Friday 2.5 days from now.  I suppose I shouldn't complain as the generator is holding up OK.  I'll need to go out today and buy batteries and a couple of bottles of gas for the lantern.  Otherwise we're faring reasonably OK, though I'm desperate for a hot shower.

The whole experience has me thinking about what is really important WRT electricity other than having it obviously.  Refrigeration is at the top of the list, though news is up there as well.  I'm also a bit more aware of the much slower pace of life no electricity sets.  Many things take longer and are far less convenient.

Of course there is the issue of what I'd do if something like this happened in the winter.  While we have gas heat without electricity to run the pumps, blowers, and computers that distribute the heat we'd have no heat.  I think I'll look into what would be required to power that part of the house.

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