Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fairwell to Windows

I've finally done it.  I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 on the last of my MS Windows machines!  Unless in extremes, from now on it's Ubuntu Linux!

What precipitated the change was the flip video camera Miriam gave us.  Turns out it creates MP4 720p video files.  I made a test recording of a bike ride with BB the other day.  When I went to edit the video using Windows tools it turned out to not be possible.  I moved the file to the TV Ubuntu machine and tried to edit there but doing video editing from across the room is very tedious and just doesn't work well at all.  Soooo ... I've installed Ubuntu on my Sony laptop.  I've left Vista as well, just in case but baring unforeseen circumstances I plan to run Ubuntu exclusively.

I can't say there is much about Windows I'll miss.  There is much about Linux I'm looking forward to.

Installation was, as always, simple.  Just pop the live CD in and install.  I allocated 100 GB for Ubuntu and left Windows with 33 GB of room to grow on the off chance I'll ever need it.

Installed Chrome as a browser since it has a very nice bookmark sync feature supported by Google.  Gotta love the Google folks.

Checked that Windows Vista still boots.  It does though it ran chkdsk after the Ubuntu re partition.

I'll install the rest of my preferred tools as need arises.

20110827 - Installed Picasa 3 beta.  Released Picasa was generating seg faults.
20110827 - Installed kdenlive to do video editing
20110827 - Added vinegra remote desktop viewer to task bar
20110827 - Installed VLC media player (it's get a better collection of codecs and I like the UI better)
20110827 - Installed Sabnzdbplus (usenet NZB) and configured
20110827 - Installed Pan (usenet)

20110903 - Installed CUPS (printer) support and Brother MFC-465CN drivers for network printer.

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