Friday, August 22, 2008

Anniversy time and family events

Well it's my 5th anniversary being married to Barbara. It's been an interesting and occasionally challenging 5 years, 10 if you count the time we spent living together. We are still very happy together notwithstanding two recalcitrant children who opposed the marriage, a severe auto accident and 7 broken vertebra in my neck and back, burning the house down, and a brief separation when one of her sons became violent we're still together and in love. When you put it all down in one place, it's really rather remarkable.

On the rest of my family front:
  • Seth can't afford to get his car transmission fixed.
  • HB and Allen found that they have bed bugs (that's apparently what is causing issues with Max) and are in the process of getting rid of them. It's a major undertaking and she's under considerable stress.
  • Mom fell and broke her wrist. She's really slipping and her memory is very poor to the point that she doesn't remember to call the desk to get help. We are all rather worried about her.
  • Sister Avery is out the the hospital. She had some extensive surgery to repair several hernias. She seems to be doing well but will be out of things for a few weeks.

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