Saturday, April 24, 2010

Essex Boat Show

BB and I went down to Essex Saturday to a local boat show.  It seems the New Port show was canceled.  Some of the local dealers got together and had a free show in Essex.

It was interesting as it was MUCH less crowded than the usual shows.  We were able to look at the Nordic Tug 41 and American Tug 42 more or less side by side.  BB likes the NT.  It does have a nicer salon and the teak is nice as well.  That said I prefer the AT with it's center master and better master storage.

While we were out we chatted a bit about the possibility of getting a smaller boat since BB wants to work for another 6 years!  That may make some sense since it would allow us to weekend and do the occasional week or two.  A boat of that sort is, of course, much less expensive.  We'll see.

On the way back I tried to stop at an RV dealer but they only dealt with trailers/5th wheelers. 

What has me interested again in RVs is the issue of when BB might retire.  I'm a bit older than she is so if we wait another few years it is unlikely that we'll ever be able to take the Great Loop trip.  That said, an RV might be an alternative.  They are less expensive, provide access to many more interesting things, and able to travel farther in a short period of time.  On the negative side, I just plainly like boats.

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