Monday, March 19, 2012

Another Summer Day

We've had almost no winter this year and today it's 76 and clear.  In short it's a nice summer day while we're still a day on the winter side of the equinox.

Over the last several warm days I've been cleaning up some of the damage from the heavy snows we had.  I've cut most of it into firewood for our neighbors.  Here is some of it.

There are a couple of more piles like that.  All in all about 3/4 cord.  We hauled it across the street today but I've still got to deal with several very large brush piles.

Since it looks like spring is going to be early this year, I've started seeds indoors.

In a couple of weeks I'll move these out doors.

BB came home early today so we went for our first bike ride of the year.  Only 3.5 miles but it's a start.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Titan Tales 201203

We had some heavy wet snow.  It's beautiful but brought down some large trees in the yard.  It's also great fun if you're a dog.  Then, of course, it's time for a rest.